Willow Works, Onekaka, NZ

Willow Works, Onekaka, NZ

First up, a thank you to Tanya Doty for this groovy image of Kea and I at the end of day one.

In late October 2018, Kea and I travelled to Onekaka to participate in a two day willow weaving workshop. Offered by Peter Greer of Willow Works at his and his wife's home, the workshop hosted 8 participants and we also met guest tutor Tanya Doty.

Peter took us through our base making and offered up several different weaving styles. Finishing was thumb twisting and I know this will be my challenge in the future. 

By the end of day one, Kea and I had gorgeously respectable baskets to show. I was luxuriating in being the participant instead of the tutor. And! I was gleeful at learning another artform. Kea seemed quiet and contented... It was so funny that everyone there took him as a silent type.

Day two saw another basket each being made. Clever Kea worked on a similar basket to our work from Saturday. His finished piece turned these three in to a well resolved set. I followed an impromptu bliss and ended up with a cat basket that a friend remarked recently looked like a pizza oven - front door and chimney going on.

The drive over the Takaka hill was breathtaking! I highly recommend finding yourself a b&b in the Takaka area and having a serious look about. Those who did stay went to a music gig at the Mussel Inn and spent far less time on the road than we did.

There are only two workshops each year - do everything you can to attend one!

Our very sincere thanks go out to...

Peter Greer



Tanya Doty



Tags: Willow  

Posted: Wednesday 31 October 2018


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